keskiviikko 7. toukokuuta 2014


After a long radio silence post of today concerns mostly the progress we have made in these past few weeks we have stayed in Queenstown. Don’t get me wrong we still wake up every morning opening the thick curtains in our room just to gaze the incredible scenery like two drugged lamas gazing a bale and yes we still amaze the sunrises, the sheep, driving on the left side of the road, the smell of the air and the endless amount of leaves falling from the trees.

However, we still have made some progress in some areas of our life. Firstly, even though everything is still awesome we miss people back home; our family, friends and even dogs and cats. This has caused Lotta, a total anti-smart-phone-person to remove certain apps from her phone just to be able to acquire WhatsApp and eat a whole hamburger size of her head. Miia, on the other hand, a total anti-swim-person, jumped to a freezing cold river, floated through few small rapids’ and actually enjoyed it. So yes, this place truly makes people do crazy things :P

Secondly, we have almost finished the first part of our data collecting process related to our thesis. And so far it hasn’t felt like work at all. Ok so we’ve had to wake up at six o’clock almost every morning, drive to town, search a parking lot from a busy city center and after waiting for few hours drive out from the city to get about 50 seconds of interviews. But then again what could be more perfect place to do it? The people of the first company, Queenstown Rafting, have been so obliging and helpful not to mention their great sense of humor. And like the icing on the cake they offered us a rafting trip for free! So on Saturday we jumped to a raft filled with teenage boys and an awesome maori guide and cruise down the Shotover River. And it was definitely a river worth of experiencing <3

The third measurement of our progress is both positive and negative at the same time. The time in our current accommodation at the lovely milieu of Slope Hill is coming to an end on Saturday. However it’s also exiting as we are going to transfer ourselves to the other side of the city, into a whole new family for a one more week before leaving this dreamy city. There are just some things you have to do before you are ready (if you’re ever going to be ready) to leave Queenstown… 

With Love Miia & Lotta

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