perjantai 25. huhtikuuta 2014


The actual journey to our first destination, which was Queenstown, took roughly about two and a half day. Because of it’s too exhausting and impossible to depict the rate of deteriation in us, the general state of jetlag and the mishaps that happened or almost happened we decided a video would be the most effective way to convey these feelings along the way to you our awesome followers. Unfortunately we had troubles on deciding what language (as we would like to think ourselves almost bi-lingual) we would speak on the videos and finally as the first catastrophe and total state of vitutus (see dictionary) settled in we decided that all the videos would be posted in Finnish. But despair not our dear friends! We also decided to make a small summary after each video so you, our English speaking followers could understand what is going on in these videos where it seems it’s either Miia or Lotta is rambling, googling or grimacing randomly babbling a language that hardly no-one understands.

So here it is our journey step by step.

1. At Helsinki-Vantaa Airport  

Miia is excided about the journey, Lotta not that much as her leather jacket (which cost 275 euros and has been worn for less that 8 months) brakes down. But as always when facing a trouble the two heroines enjoy glasses of cider to calm their nerves. 

2. Hong Kong 

We are having a small camp in the Hong Kong International Airport without any clue where we should be when the boarding starts. We have just visited one “local” nutrition provider and consider visiting another before searching the right gate. At the gate Miia analyses the trip so far and reveals that Lotta almost lost her passport and jacket during the transition in Hong Kong.

3. Auckland 

We have arrived in Auckland and are waiting to be transported to the hostel. This however once again requires waiting around. In Mengere, Auckland we once again wait, this time for a bus, before we start exploring the city center where we abide our time until we have found almost all our required objects and the bus arrives to take us to the hostel.

 With Love

Miia & Lotta

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